Sunday, December 15, 2019


Unique identifier string for the bundle. You'd like to be able to do it automatically from your build process, but you're forced to go run the Apple Jar Bundler and tweak all the settings manually every time you build. Added Ant property setters for "bundleid" and "developmentregion". A list of jar files or patternsets space or comma seperated to be used in your application. A space delimited string. Although it is a good practice to use this filename with the embedded META tag shown above. jarbundler-2.2.0.jar

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If set to true, use anti-aliasing when rendering text.

JarBundler 2.2.0 Removal Instructions

Attribute Description aboutmenuname The string to display in the "About" menu of the running application. The marketing version jarbundler-2.22.0.jar a string that usually displays the major and minor version of the bundle.

Added setter for "workingdirectory" attribute. The Mac OS type of the bundle. Added Ant property setters for "bundleid" and "developmentregion".


Thanks for the help in advance! Version number displayed in Finder, this version number can be though of as the jarbumdler-2.2.0.jar version without distracting build information.

Please contact Will Gilbert if you have bugs to report, patches to the code, ideas for enhancements, or any other suggestions! If anyone is wondering, I took the Info.

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Download jarbundlerjar : jarbundler « j « Jar File Download

Currently, a jarbundler tag attribute overrides a javaproperty tag. This was done to maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of jarbundler.


The working directory for the Java application. All files included in this filelist will be included in the application bundle and added to the app bundle classpath. Use Jar Bundler - All the tutorials seem to be out of date, and it doesn't work. If true, the bundle supports the retrieval of localized strings from frameworks. Version number displayed in Finder, this version number can be though of as the "Marketing" version without distracting build information.

Active 3 years, 8 months ago. Former jarbundler tag atributes are still available but have been deprecated in favor of their 'javaproperty' equivalents. This string is used in the default "About Only required if the jars attribute is not set. Included change submitted by Pierre-Luc Paour. The version of the JVM required to run the application. Unique identifier string for the bundle. However, if a deprecated attribute is used it will take precedent over a javaproperty.

Contains an array of strings identifying the supported code architectures and their preferred execution priority.

Download jarbundler-2.2.0.jar : jarbundler « j « Jar File Download

Deprecated under JVM 1. The nested javafileset element specifies a FileSet. I downloaded Java Application Bundler from java.

Added shortname attribute to jarbundler task. Or alternatively, you can fore quit the process of JarBundler jarbundler-2.2.0.har. The string to display in the "About" menu of the running application. The nested jarfilelist element specifies a FileList. I don't really know anything about ANT, but I created a build.

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